Fourth Grade Curriculum
Language Arts
God’s Gift of Language A Writing and Grammar Curriculum guide. Fourth Edition. Pensacola: Pensacola Christian College, 1998
Grade 4 Writing: Launching Writing Workshop. Portland Public Schools, 2014
Rand, Phyllis, Ed.D. God’s Gift of Language A Writing and Grammar Teacher’s Edition. Third Edition. Pensacola: Pensacola Christian College, 2008
Lenington, C. and Rhodes, M. God’s Gift of Language A Writing and Grammar Quiz and Test Key. Third Edition. Pensacola: Pensacola Christian College, 2008
Rand, Phyllis. Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry 4 Teacher’s Edition. Fifth Edition. Pensacola: Pensacola Christian College, 2008
Rand, Phyllis. Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry 4 Test Key. Fifth Edition. Pensacola: Pensacola Christian College, 2008
Read & Think Skill Sheets 4. Pensacola: Pensacola Christian College, 2012
Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House on the Praire. New York: Harper Trophy, 1971
Gibson, Fred. Old Yeller. New York: Harper Trophy, 2004
Benge, Janet and Geoff. Hudson Taylor: Deep in the Heart of China. Seattle: YWAM Publishing, 1998
Language Charts. Pensacola: Pensacola Christian College, 1998
Sentence Strips. Second Edition. Pensacola: Pensacola Christian College,2008
Evans, Marilyn, Norris, Jill, and Song, Leslie. Writing Fabulous Sentences and Paragraphs. Monterey: Evan Moor Educational Publishers, 2008
Mariconda, Barbara and Auray, Dea Paoletta. Super Story-Writing Strategies & Activities. New York: Scholastic Professional Books, 2000
Doherty, Barbara and Jaffe, Charlotte. Writing with a Purpose: Descriptive Writing. Second Edition. Hawthorne: Educational Impressions, Inc., 2007
Doherty, Barbara and Jaffe, Charlotte. Writing with a Purpose: Expository Writing. Second Edition. Hawthorne: Educational Impressions, Inc., 2008
Doherty, Barbara and Jaffe, Charlotte. Writing with a Purpose: Persuasive Writing. Second Edition. Hawthorne: Educational Impressions, Inc., 2007
Doherty, Barbara and Jaffe, Charlotte. Writing with a Purpose: Narrative Writing. Hawthorne: Educational Impressions, Inc., 2002
Bentley, Andrea M. “Preposition Task Cards.”
Bentley, Andrea M. “Comparing and Superlative Adjective Task Cards.”
Lynette, Rachel. “Task Card Handbook.” Rachel Lynette, 2013
Lynette, Rachel. “Super Sentences Task Cards.” Rachel Lynette, 2013
Lynette, Rachel. “Paragraph Structure Task Cards.” Rachel Lynette, 2013
Lynette, Rachel. “Figurative Language Task Cards.” Rachel Lynette, 2013
Lynette, Rachel. “Multiple Meanings Task Cards.” Rachel Lynette, 2013
Lynette, Rachel. “Context Clues Task Cards.” Rachel Lynette, 2013
Lynette, Rachel. “Subject-Verb Agreement Task Cards.” Rachel Lynette, 2013
“Differentiated Noun and Verb Task Cards”. Teaching With a Mountain View, 2013,
The History of Our United States, A Beka The History of Our United States, Tests and Quizzes Work text, A Beka
The History of Our United States, Geography/Maps and Reviews, A Beka
Texas State History: State History from a Christian Perspective Booklet, By Joy Dean
God’s World News magazine
Blackburn, Pat. Purposeful Design Science 4. Student ed. Colorado Springs, Colo.: Purposeful Design Publications, 2007. Print.
Blackburn, Pat. Purposeful Design Science 4. Student Workbook. Colorado Springs, Colo.: Purposeful Design Publications, 2007. Print.
Thinking Skills. New ed. S.l.: Evan-Moor Educational, 2009. Print.
Hambright, Peggy W., and N.C. Greensboro. Fascinating Facts: Science : 100 Comprehension-building Activities. Greensboro, NC: Education Center, 2007. Print.
Physical Science in Action. Schlessinger Media, 2004. DVD.
Weather Fundamentals. Schlessinger Media, 2005. DVD.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis. Institute for Creation Research, 2014. DVD.
Robinson, Tom. The Everything Kids’ Science Experiments Book: Boil Ice, Float Water, Measure Gravity- Challenge the World around You! Holbrook, Mass.: Adams Media, 2001. Print.
Wiese, Jim, and Ed Shems. Detective Science: 40 Crime-solving, Case-breaking, Crook-catching Activities for Kids. New York: John Wiley, 1996. Print.
Leavitt, Loralee. Candy Experiments. Kansas City, Mo.: Andrews McMeel Pub., 2012. Print.
“Quizlet.” Search. Web. 8 May 2015.
Bible. Grade 4 ed. Colorado Springs: ACSI/Purposeful Design Publications, 2011. Print.
NKJV Bible
Rebuilding the Foundation: Character Development Curriculum
Bible Additional Resources
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis. Institute for Creation Research, 2014. DVD.
Carlinsky, Dan. The Complete Bible Quiz Book. New York: Gramercy Pub. :, 1985. Print.
Boal, Tom. The Bible Skit Book: 52 Seriously Funny Bible Teaching Skits. Ventura, CA: Gospel Light, 1993. Print.
“The NED Show Anti-bullying Lessons.” K-6 Lesson Plans. Web. 16 Apr. 2015. <>.
McCain, Becky R., and Todd Leonardo. Nobody Knew What to Do: A Story about Bullying. Morton Grove, Illinois: Albert Whitman, 2001. Print.
McDonald, Heidi. Bully-buster Bingo. Rev./reprinted ed. Warminster, PA: Mar*co Products, 2008. Print.
Sartori, Rosanne Sheritz. Stand up against Bullies! Warminster, PA: Mar*Co Products, 2005. Print.
Texas GoMath. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2015. Print and Digital.