Introducing our new podcast, Ovilla Christian Chats

Welcome to Ovilla Christian Chats, where we discuss Biblical approaches to living life in a secular world. Join us as we dive deeper into topics that affect every Christian. Ovilla Christian School is the educational arm of Ovilla Road Baptist Church and our mission is to cultivate an environment in which students may flourish as they become life-long learners, servant leaders, and devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

In this first episode, Erich Lehmann (OCS Director of Spiritual Life), Pastor Matt Bowles (Ovilla Road Baptist Church), and Bob Yttredahl (OCS Head of School) discuss “worldview”: what does this word mean and why is it important? What are the proper roles of the church and a Christian school in the life of a Christ-follower? ALSO! Learn to pronounce "Yttredahl" correctly and hear the heart behind changes coming to chapel at OCS this fall.